Our Service

Evokendi.com is set out to promote the new style in general aesthetics and to de-relate us with all known projections until now. To do this, it is entirely focusing on spreading the new style in all possible ways and in all sectors of society – from the loner to the big companies of digital entertainment to the merchandising companies and first of all to be spread in the media thanks to you. It is up to you to realize, encrypt it or found it in every possible form and every way you can imagine or come up to and you feel is profitable to you and more pleasing. The only restrictions on how to use the art are posted in the paragraph of what is not allowed. The provision of content by us to you, (the end user), constitutes a Service and you must agree on the terms of service of this website.


Some words of notice.

Evokendi.com is the Sole and only provider of the evokendi style of aesthetics, design and form and therefore any first digital acquirement shall start from this website. The "Evokendi" style and the Evokendi.com is the only digital provider of assets, elements of such nature and specific style expressed in various ways as presented here. Therefore any digital way of distributing, channeling and reselling or any way exploiting the art and style of Evokendi.com is prohibited.

The prime Goal of this website is to protect and spread uniformly and worldwide the art and philosophy as presented here and detailed as of its nature, in the books posted. "Evokendi" is not a brand .It’s an aesthetic philosophy and movement, aspiring to be the core into the future sightings and structures of mankind influencing societies and personalities. It is applicable to all ages, sexes and gustoes and anyone can be the user as it is not featuring any content that is obscene, unsuitable or offending, nor it is representing any kind of imagery that may come in conflict to anyone’s likes or dislikes; but it is a general aesthetic new wave and an eye ascender. We don't create accounts nor we have subscriptions and content is not to be offered to someone more than to someone to else.

Thus the terms of service we use to be applicable are as follows


Terms of Use

Date of last revision 20/5/20

Please read carefully and accept the Terms and Conditions before proceeding

The service is intended for consumer and commercial use. In the event that you use the service for commercial purposes you may only put it in the physical form and never distribute it digitally.

 The following is a legal agreement between ("you" or "User/s") and the owners and operators ("we", "us" or "Evokendi") of the site at www.evokendi.com and all related websites, documents, philosophy, artistic work, vectors, 3d models called and referred to as "assets, elements, or content". Your use of the Service, and our provision of service to you constitutes an agreement by you and "Evokendi", to be bound by the terms and conditions in these Terms of Service ("Terms"). This agreement sets the rules and guidelines that users must agree to and follow in order to use and access our website

By visiting , accessing , or using the “Evokendi.com” Service, you consent to the policies or terms.

Evokendi.com and its owner, is exclusive right holder of all digital content offered in this website and all artistic works and philosophy behind. This is original artwork and all content in this website is only owned and managed by Evokendi.com and its operators. This is Copyright material. All digital content offered in this website (digital artwork, videos, 3d objects etc) is protected by Copyright. The Digital resale and reproduction of identical or altered work in any way offered in this website (in digital form) is Prohibited. Thus the purpose of this website is to Ornament the World and to be the base upon the new art will spring and flourish. The broadcasting, sharing advertising etc using elements in this website, is allowed. You have commercial rights over the content only if you download it and turn it into any kind of physical form including digital projections etc to use it in some way form, carve it , 3d print it etc. All the content provided in this website is intellectual property and is protected by Copyright law internationally.


General purpose and copyright

This website is about uplifting human emotions and obstructing rectangular symmetrics from obscuring our senses. In the need for beauty, for freedom we then go and use drugs to delock ourselves from the inside stiffness, but if we put in the environment, and the aspiration of this website is indeed this, we will then uplift our senses to a more higher level, and see ugliness no more

Thus by no means is it allowed to use these aesthetic elements in the opposite way to be put in or correlated anyway , to/with, products, sounds or imagery that is made to addict people or used in any way that may directly , or indirectly cause people to be addicted to a pattern of behavior. The whole meaning of this webpage is to de-addict us from patterns or systems- is art for the free mind-

The whole work, is protected by Copyright as collective work, and any work, taken out of the webpage, or any work  that is in the future inserted in the webpage,  falls under the same collective protected work of www.evokendi.com as presented in the webpage.



The site and its original content, features, artwork and philosophy underlying the art are owned by George Vasilomanolakis and are protected by international copyright and other intellectual right laws. Nothing in the terms grants you a right to use or copyright to you or any other third party except as expressly provided in the Terms. All content in this webpage is protected by Copyright Law.

All, phrases .philosophy and all art work that has been put, or removed or that is going to be put in this webpage is protected as “one” collective work and is protected by Copyright law and is expressed as “Content”


Content refers to all digital pictures, original or altered artwork by any technique altered and offered and presented in this webpage all artwork available and provided under the legal agreement between you and the owners and operators of Evokendi.com. "Content" shall refer collectively to all images as a collective work, digital assets, illustrations, phrases, philosophy, presentations, and vector artwork as presented in any form or color. All content for sale in this webpage are marked and watermarked by the logo of Evokendi.com. Evokendi.com is not a user content website nor we expect for someone to upload his or hers content. All contents and rights are retained and belong to Evokendi.com and owner. All rights not expressly granted in this agreement are reserved by Evokendi.com and its owner. You may not assert any revenue from a collecting society, social media website, content sharing platform or any other kind of third party on using this content. you may not infringe on any copyrights or moral rights of the content and creator. We have adopted the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other applicable copyright laws. You agree to retain the copyright symbol, the name of Evokendi.com any copyright information and the contents identification number or any other information or metadata we may include in the content. The Copyright is for all content as a collective artwork database and no other institution or private company or individual may acquire the right to hold a large percentage of the work without prior consent of the owner.

We reserve the right at our sole discretion to change or modify portions of these Terms at any time, and we will state the time of our last revision. If you continue to use the Service after the date the new terms will be effective.


Evokendi,   all rights reserved  ) © 2020


Use of the Service

You agree that you will not engage in any data mining, robots, scraping or systematic data gathering or extraction methods. You may not attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on Evokendi.com website or mirror the materials to any other server. The technology developing our service and webpage is only property of "Evokendi" and our partners and grant no license in respect to this software. You agree not to copy systematically, reproduce, reverse assemble, assign sublicense or otherwise transfer technology underlying the technology or our software. The Service is protected as a collective work pursuant to copyright laws, international conventions and intellectual property laws. Large scale and systematic copying of the content presented in this webpage is prohibited.


Who can use the webpage?

Everyone can use the webpage. Its use is not restricted to any person age or sex, anyone can pick the style that he or she likes. There is no data processing nor do we try to addict you to the webpage but to take as you wish. We don't open business accounts or treat people with more money as more special than others nor do we take subscriptions to the content. You may download to your computer, tablet, phone or other device as seen and as wished.


The license

After you download you get a limited non exclusive, non transferrable and revocable license to use our Service for all purposes other than those explicitly prohibited in the section "not allowed". Once downloaded multiple or one piece of artwork, you get a royalty free license meaning there is no need to pay additional royalties if the content is reused .The royalty free content is licensed for worldwide and for perpetual use meaning there is no expiration on your rights and you can use it unlimited number of times in all media print or digital or in other medium or format, The price is varied and set not to the size but based on its beauty. The license is limited, as to the uses described in the according paragraphs.. The license is not exclusive meaning that you don’t have exclusive rights to use the content and anyone who has downloaded it has the same rights as you. We can give the license to other users as well. You may not include the licensed material in an electronic template intended to be copied by third parties. You are not allowed to send the work to collective societies or major collective organizations that may keep for themselves the work and or distribute it independently.


Exclusive License

We provide exclusive License only after contact on original artwork.


The Evokendi License

What is allowed

After downloading by the legal way, you receive the Evokendi License on the following terms. Under the Evokendi License you are granted an irrevocable worldwide and royalty free right to use, download, copy, save, modify or alter the images and all content you receive in any way you want for non commercial purposes.. All content on Evokendi.com can be used for commercial and non commercial use across all fields of art, production industries etc, print, digital arts adding value, differentiating products, ameliorating the textures etc, except in the cases mentioned in the “U are not allowed" section. You can make modifications for any use you need for the expression of your needs and anyway you may dream of. You are allowed to modify or sell the exact photo if it is to be materialized as poster, engraved, marked or in any way put in any surface.  You may transmit to the public, reprint, reorganize without our permission as we believe that the crowd will make the establishment of the art possible. Yes, you may use the content of this webpage in social media, as backgrounds, wallpapers, themes. You can use the content for any public display, commercial or non commercial. U may vectorize any content, by any way manipulate the image and create derivative works by any kind of technology and in any way imagined and by any means you can take hold of whether you are an institution or private sector or individual. You can store, display reproduce, save, modify, and create derivative works for any purpose you wish unless it is offensive or obscene. You are allowed to send to other people or 3rd party for the sole purpose of physical representation, carving, and poster depiction in any physical form or surface. After downloading legally, you get the license to- without limitation- to put the art into postcards, ceramics, fashion, and wallpaper on mobile phones construct in the fields of manufacture, order for a special request on a professional to include the art in ornamenting your fantasies in any way, use it as screensavers etc. You may broadcast, telecast , transmit, or exhibit the material once downloaded, copy , make duplicates, edit, transform, scale, put effects or special effects etc. You may create an end product, ornament any surface. You can use any item provided in the webpage for any sorts of merchandising creating any end product of any sort either as the item being the core component or when the product becomes substantially different or even slightly different then another. The main drive of the webpage is to be included in all creations, but its not allowed for a downloaded item to be used as the sole identity of a company or logo as they are not the ones retaining any copyright or intellectual properties around it.


What is not allowed. You are allowed to do the following

The Evokendi License does ΝΟΤ allow. – the right to compile material from the webpage to replicate a similar or competing service.. sale or distribution of any content as digital stock artwork or as digital wallpapers in similar WebPages offering such. For commercial digital purposes you are not allowed by any means to resell same or altered content to anyone person affiliate or company digitally. Not for digital reselling. You are not allowed to redistribute or sell content of this webpage as stock or on wallpaper platforms even if they are then distributed for free. Any distributing or channeling to other stock pages is prohibited.  You may not use content in electronic or digital templates intended for resale or other distribution on other stock photo websites or wallpaper websites. You may not use the art as part of main name or logo or trademark of any company. You can’t distribute the item as stock or with source files, you can’t do this even if the item is bundled to other items or even if you modify the item . You can’t digitally redistribute especially in large stock companies or in online marketplaces as-is or with special modifications. These things are not allowed even if the redistribution is free. You can’t use an item in any application allowing an end user to customize a digital or physical product to their special needs such as an "made to order" or "build it yourself" application. The art is for the ornamentation of all surfaces by the common man or by business people, and not for the projection of specific name or company nor the digital exploitation of the art by others. However, the promotion of any brand, name etc by using elements of the evokendi.com is allowed. What is not allowed is to use the elements as logo as the main logo of a company etc. Evokendi.com is the Sole and only provider of the digital form of this art. You are not allowed to remove any copyright or other proprietary notations from the materials and content offered in this website. The prime goal of this website is to spread the art and not to concentrate the art into few hands. Abusive users will be terminated and banned from using the service. No unlawful Use. You may NOT use content in a pornographic, defamatory or other unlawful manner, on horror films, or use it as a way to control or brainwash other people. You may not falsely represent yourself as author of the work nor that you are the original creator of this work, you cannot create artwork and claim that you are the author but only use it as part of your creation without claiming that you are the creator. In the case the agreement is breached then, Evokendi.com will terminate your agreement and you must delete or destroy any content, and confirm to us that you have complied with these requirements. If you use the content on a social media platform or other third party website and the platform or website uses the content for its own purpose or in any way that is contrary to this agreement, the rights granted for such use shall immediately terminate and you agree to delete all the content you have downloaded from us and the content to be taken down by all other WebPages strange to evokendi.com. Any use of material that is used in a manner not expressly authorized by this Agreement or in breach of a term of this agreement constitutes copyright infringement, and entitles "Evokedi" to exercise all ways to remedy the situation under copyright laws around the world. We will then notify you of unauthorized use relating to the material downloaded and notify you to stop using the material destroy all copies.

You must not  use the elements provided in this website is scenes which are defamatory, offensive, threatening, intimidating or which could be considered as harassment., ccontain obscene, profane or abusive language or material, contain pornographic material (that is text, pictures,films, video clips of a sexually explicit or arousing nature, containoffensive or derogatory images regarding sex, race, religion, colour,origin age, physical or mental disability, medical condition, or sexual orientation, or which infringe third parties rights including intellectual rights, or are otherwise unlawful, or innappropriate

Do not misuse our Services, For example do not interfere with our Services or try to access them using a method other then the interface and the instructions that we provide. You  may use our Services onlu as permitted by law,We may suspend or stop providing our Services to you if you do not comply with our terms and agreements or from suspected misconduct. Using our Servies does not give you ownership of any intellectual property rights in our Service or the content that you access. You may not use content from our Service unless you obtain permission from its owner or otherwise permitted by law. Do not remove, or obscure or alter any legal notices displayed in or along our Service.


Privacy policy

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you about our privacy practices, including how we collect, use and disclose your personal information. How we collect and store data .For the purpose of non systemic downloading and breaching our agreement, our servers automatically record certain information such as IP address browser type and language downloads date and time. This data is used for ensuring stability of our service, and we don’t sell or provide your personal information to other companies for marketing for their own products or services We reserve the right to disclose your personal information in case you breach the agreement for example court order etc. We don’t collect and store personal information email addresses, shipping addresses. We may collect and store any personal data and information that you knowiningly  provide to us, as well as information that we automatically receive from your browser or device. We may communicate with you if you’ve provided us the means to do so, unless you inform us that you do not want to receive communication with us. We do not rent or sell your personal information to anyone. We may share the personally identifiable information (PII) you provide to this website and our associated services. We reserve the right to track visitors to, and usage of this site, through “cookies” and similar techniques and to use any resulting information as we determine.

We may collect personal and non personal information. The website will collect personal information with consent or only where it is voluntarily provided by the individual.

Non-personal information is any information that cannot be associated with an identifiable individual, such as aggregated statistical information ( e.g the average length of time users spend visiting the site), or other anonymous information, such as the type and version of browser used to access the website or application. Your computer and its operating systems, browsers, and memory contain vast quantities of transaction data and records of your use of it. Non personal information is used to assess general usage patterns, including identifying repeat users, collect demographic information fo research and analytical purposes, to provide advertisements about goods and services of possible interest to you .

You agree and acknowledge that we may keep a log of the Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses of any devices which access the Service, the ties when they have accessed the Service and the activity associated with that IP address.


Limitation of liability. Warranty and Liability

The website and Evokendi.com and their partners and owners shall not be liable to you or to any other person or entity for any damages incurred either incidental, general, special, punitive indirect, consequential or lost profits or any other damages costs or loses arising out of the use of the website or its content. you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Evokendi.com its owner and affiliates and operators  and content suppliers from any damages, liabilities and expenses arising from, or in connection with your use of any content, any breach or alleged reached by you or anyone acting on your behalf. Evokendi.com will not be liable to you or any other person for any lost profits, punitive, special, indirect, incidental, consequential or other similar damages or losses arising out of this agreement.

This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal data when you use the service and the choice syou have associated with that data.We use the data to provde and improve the service.By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of informationin accordace with this policy.


Information collection and use.

We collect several types of information for various purposes to provide and improve the Service to you.

a- Personal data

While using our Service, we may ask you to provide us with  certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you(“Personal Data”).Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to-

-Email address-First and last name,-Address,State, Province,Zip /Postal code, City

- usage data and Cookies

b- Usage data

we may also collect information how the Service is accessed and used(Usage Data) This Usage data may include information such as your computers Internet Protocol address (IP address),browser type, browser version,the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date you visit, thetime spent on these pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

c- Cookies and Tracking Data

Your visit to this website may yield some types of cookies –preference cookies,analytics cookies, and advertising cookies

A cookie is a small piece of data stored in a browser by a website. The data inside a cookie allows websites to remember preferences, and customize your experience.Cookis and other technologies, such as your device’s unique identifier, are used on our website to maximize the website- browsing experience.For example they allow us to track a browser’s movement through the website over several sessions.Through these thechnologies, the website can rcognize repeat visitors, facilitate the visitor;s access to and use of the website and allows the website to track usage behavior that will allow content and service improvement and enable us to tailor our website ad advertising to better match your interests and preferences.

we use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on our Service and hold certain information. Cookies are files with small amount of data which may include an anonymous unique identifier. Cookies are sent to your browser from a website and stored on your device. Tracking technologies also used are beacons, tags and scripts to collect and track information and to improve and analyze our service. You can instruct your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when  cookie is sent, However, if you don’t accept cookies you may not be able to use some portion of the Service.

We sent Cookies such as

preference cookies- every time you spent on the webpage – language settings, country settings. We do this so you don’t have to set these preferences every time you visit the site                                                                                             

analytics cookies- this analytic cookie tells usif you’ve been on the site before how often you visit, how long you stay.,etc

session cookies

security cookies

We use collected data to

Provide and maintain the Service

To provide analysis or valuable information so that we can improve the Service

To monitor the usage of the Service


Children’s Privacy

Children are individuals who are bot of legal age to provide consent for the collection of their personal information, which includes persons 13 years of age or younger

We do not collect personal data from children.if you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your children has provided us with personal data please contact us.If we become aware that we have collected Personal Data from children without verification of parental consent we take steps to remove that information from our servers.


Breaching this agreement we shall report such activity to the relevant authorities and disclose your identity to them

We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial-of service attack viruses or other technological harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to the use of this Website or to your downloading of any material linked to it.









About us

...motivating people and enterprises to create a more sensational world, shown in the motifs of people, in their constructions, in their clothing, in cinema, games and whatever possible may there come in the future...