The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you about our privacy practices, including how we collect, use and disclose your personal information. How we collect and store data .For the purpose of non systemic downloading and breaching our agreement, our servers automatically record certain information such as IP address browser type and language downloads date and time. This data is used for ensuring stability of our service, and we don’t sell or provide your personal information to other companies for marketing for their own products or services We reserve the right to disclose your personal information in case you breach the agreement for example court order etc. We don’t collect and store personal information email addresses, shipping addresses. We may collect and store any personal data and information that you knowiningly  provide to us, as well as information that we automatically receive from your browser or device. We may communicate with you if you’ve provided us the means to do so, unless you inform us that you do not want to receive communication with us. We do not rent or sell your personal information to anyone. We may share the personally identifiable information (PII) you provide to this website and our associated services. We reserve the right to track visitors to, and usage of this site, through “cookies” and similar techniques and to use any resulting information as we determine.

We may collect personal and non personal information. The website will collect personal information with consent or only where it is voluntarily provided by the individual.

Non-personal information is any information that cannot be associated with an identifiable individual, such as aggregated statistical information ( e.g the average length of time users spend visiting the site), or other anonymous information, such as the type and version of browser used to access the website or application. Your computer and its operating systems, browsers, and memory contain vast quantities of transaction data and records of your use of it. Non personal information is used to assess general usage patterns, including identifying repeat users, collect demographic information fo research and analytical purposes, to provide advertisements about goods and services of possible interest to you .

You agree and acknowledge that we may keep a log of the Internet Protocol (“IP”) addresses of any devices which access the Service, the ties when they have accessed the Service and the activity associated with that IP address

About us

...motivating people and enterprises to create a more sensational world, shown in the motifs of people, in their constructions, in their clothing, in cinema, games and whatever possible may there come in the future...