

George Vasilomanolakis, influencer and visionary of “”, the brand and website, aspiring to bring higher aesthetics to the world, motivating people and enterprises to create a more sensational world, shown in the motifs of people, in their constructions, in their clothing, in cinema, games and whatever possible may there come in the future. Providing the base for a more emotional driven world that is setting out differences and relating people to an inner sensation ,setting the pulse for a real true and wellbeing and commotiveness of people all around the globe.


For jewelry creations and every ornamental project contact Marcia who mainly focuses on rendering and ornamental synthesis, the conception and visualization of a product, mainly to visualize and propose the synthesis of ornamental elements especially on jewelry creations to create unique pieces upon the new aesthetics.

About us

...motivating people and enterprises to create a more sensational world, shown in the motifs of people, in their constructions, in their clothing, in cinema, games and whatever possible may there come in the future...